Includes one manual each for the AWS and MBI 4th Edition. Special package pricing of $75. Includes details on reliability, validity, scoring, etc. and a review-only copy of the AWS and the MBI forms. PDFs are not refundable.
Areas of Worklife Survey
by Michael P. Leiter & Christina Maslach
Copyright © 2006, 2011 by Michael P. Leiter and Christina Maslach
Includes details on administration, scoring, and interpretation, etc., plus a review-only copy of the instrument.
Administering the Areas of Worklife Survey
Statistical Properties of the AWS
The Short Version of the Areas of Worklife Survey
Demographic Comparisons of AWS Scales
Appendix: Sample Areas of Worklife Survey
Page Count: 33
Maslach Burnout Inventory
Manual 4th Edition
by Christina Maslach, Susan E. Jackson, and Michael P. Leiter
Copyright © 1996–2018 by Christina Maslach, Michael P. Leiter, & Susan E. Jackson
Includes details on administration, scoring, and interpretation, etc., plus a review-only copy of the instrument.
Overview of the Maslach Burnout Inventory
Burnout Definition
Versions of the MBI
The MBI and Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS)
Psychometric Properties of the MBI
Administering the MBI
Scoring and Interpreting the MBI
Future Directions for Burnout Research
Burnout and the Brain
Burnout and Health
Burnout’s Consequences for Other People
Preventing and Alleviating Burnout and Its Negative Consequences
Burnout Profiles as a New Approach to Using MBI Scale Scores
Longitudinal Research Designs
Burnout Around the World
The MBI – Human Services Survey: MBI-HSS
Development of the MBI-HSS
Uses of the MBI-HSS
Scales of the MBI-HSS
Psychometric Properties of the MBI-HSS
Administering the MBI-HSS
Scoring the MBI-HSS
Interpreting the MBI-HSS Scale Scores
The MBI for Medical Personnel: MBI-HSS (MP)
Psychometric Properties of the MBI-HSS (MP)
Administering the MBI-HSS (MP)
Scoring the MBI-HSS (MP)
Interpreting the MBI-HSS (MP) Scale Scores
The MBI for Educators: MBI-ES
Development of the MBI-ES
Uses of the MBI-ES
Scales of the MBI-ES
Psychometric Properties of the MBI-ES
Reliability of the MBI-ES
Validity of the MBI-ES
Administering the MBI-ES
Scoring the MBI-ES
Interpreting the MBI-ES Scale Scores
The MBI General Survey: MBI-GS
Development of the MBI-GS
Uses of the MBI-GS
Scales of the MBI-GS
Psychometric Properties of the MBI-GS
Relationships Among the MBI-GS Scales
Reliability of the MBI-GS
Validity of the MBI-GS
Administering the MBI-GS
Scoring the MBI-GS
Interpreting the MBI-GS Scale Scores
Appendix 1. Review Copy: MBI Human Services Survey
Appendix 2: Review Copy: MBI-HSS for Medical Personnel
Appendix 3: Review Copy: MBI for Educators Survey
Appendix 4: Review Copy: MBI-General Survey
Appendix 5: Review Copy: MBI-General Survey for Students
Appendix 6: Frequently Asked Questions
Which MBI form should I use?
What is the relationship between the MBI scales?
Why isn’t there a single burnout score, or can I just use the Emotional Exhaustion scale?
Can I use cut-scores to identify a state of burnout?
Why do I need to look at the person’s life context and not just their burnout level?
How can burnout be prevented or reduced?
Page Count: 75
In order to administer the AWS and MBI online using Mind Garden's Transform™ survey hosting, you must purchase one of the following licenses:
Transform Survey Hosting: Toolkit for Human Services
Transform Survey Hosting: Toolkit for Medical Personnel
Transform Survey Hosting: Toolkit for Educators
Transform Survey Hosting: Toolkit for General Use
In order to administer the AWS + MBI online using a third-party survey hosting platform, or reproduce the AWS + MBI for a paper/pencil administration, you must purchase a license for that quantity of administrations:
Michael P. Leiter, Ph.D., is an organizational psychologist interested in the relationships of people with their work. He is a professor at Acadia University and researches through the Centre for Organizational Research & Development (Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada).
Christina Maslach, PhD, is a pioneering researcher on job burnout, who has won several awards for her work (most recently, the 2017 Application of Personality and Social Psychology Award). She is a Professor Emerita of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and a researcher at its Healthy Workplaces center.
Susan E. Jackson, Ph.D., is Distinguished Professor of Human Resource Management and Associate Dean for Strategic Planning at Rutgers University (Piscataway, NJ). Her primary areas of expertise include managing for environmental sustainability, work team diversity, and strategic human resource management systems.