Dynamic Factors Survey


Authors: J.P. Guilford, Paul R. Christensen, & Nicholas A. Bond, Jr.

The Dynamic Factors Survey (DFS) measures general motivational factors to assess personality. It is an outgrowth of a very comprehensive factor-analytic investigation of interest that was performed by J. P. Guilford, Paul R. Christensen, and Nicholas A. Bond, Jr. in the 1950's. It was developed to address the need for a more extensive, rational coverage of the many variables that should be included in an adequate assessment of personality. Interests were basically defined as dimensions of motivation. In addition to the more familiar vocational-interest inventories, they found many factors that could be regarded as broader and more basic motivational variables. Though it has been many years since its inception the DFS has stood the test of time and enjoys enthusiastic use today.

The DFS will be found useful in conjunction with vocational-interest inventories in vocational guidance. The DFS is recommended for research purposes, particularly factor analysis studies. The DFS is ideal for finding an individual's key motivations.

Copyright © 1954 by Sheridan Supply Corp.

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  • $50.00
    Includes details on reliability, validity, scoring, etc. and a review-only copy of the DFS form. PDFs are not refundable.
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  • $2.75
    Minimum purchase of 50. Allows you to administer the DFS as an online survey via a non-Mind Garden survey system or as a paper and pencil survey. The downloadable PDF file includes one copy of the DFS, scoring key, and permission to administer the DFS up to the quantity purchased. The PDF is non-refundable.
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Features of the DFS

Purpose: Measure general motivational factors to assess personality

Length: 300 items

Average completion time: 25-30 minutes

Target population: Ages 16 and older

Administration: For individual or group administration

Norms in Manual: Norms have been gathered for high school seniors and college students, both men and women.

Uses of the DFS

  • Personality and interest research
  • Personnel selection
  • Vocational assessment

Ten scales are assessed by the DFS, each by means of thirty items

Need for Attention

Cultural Conformity

Linking for Thinking

Need for Freedom

Adventure and Security

Realistic Thinking

Self Reliance vs. Dependence

Need for Precision

Aesthetic Appreciation

Need for Diversion

Sample Items

For each item in this booklet you are to give your personal opinion about the statement. If you agreed with the item, you would circle the YES space on your answer sheet. You would circle the NO space if you did not agree with the statement. You would mark "?" only if you could not decide whether you agreed or disagreed.

1. You like it when people come to you and ask you for advice.Yes?No
2. You like to figure out the secrets of magic tricks.Yes?No
3. You like to ride with daredevil drivers.Yes?No
4. You sometimes carry a good luck charmYes?No
5. You would like to make a comparative study of architectural styles.Yes?No
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