California Q-Sort for Adults


Author: Jack Block

This instrument includes one hundred cards, each displaying a descriptive personality statement that observers arrange according to how well they describe a person. The Q-Sort method has been proven useful in two decades of psychiatric and psychological research of individuals in both clinical and non-clinical contexts. It measures personality assessment of adults and other ratings of personality. This can be referenced to a wide variety of diagnostic and conceptual "prototypes," as expressed by the CAQR, to correspond most closely to the described individual's personality characteristics. The cards have been adapted for applied usage.

Copyright © 1961 by Charles C. Thomas

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  • $50.00
    Includes details on reliability, validity, scoring, etc. and a review-only copy of the CAQ for Adults cards. PDFs are not refundable.
    In Stock
  • $2.75
    Minimum purchase of 50. Allows you to administer the CAQR via a paper and pencil survey. The downloadable PDF file includes one copy of the CAQR, scoring key, and permission to reproduce/administer the CAQR for up to the quantity purchased. The PDF is non-refundable.
    In Stock

Features of the CAQ for Adults

Purpose: Measure personality assessment of adults and other ratings of personality

Length: 100 cards

Average completion time: 40 minutes

Target population: Adults

Administration: For individual administration

Uses of the CAQ for Adults

  • Personality assessment and description for psychiatric and psychological research (clinical and non-clinical)
66. Enjoys aesthetic impressions; is aesthetically sensitive.99. Is self-dramatizing; histrionic (theatrical; prone to exaggerate feelings; behaves in attention-getting ways).80. Interested in members of the opposite sex.
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