California Older Adult Stroop Test


Authors: Nancy Pachana, Bernice Marcopulos, Ruth Yoash-Gantz, & Larry Thompson

The California Older Adult Stroop Test (COAST) is a Stroop-type test specifically designed and normed on an older adult population. Traditional Stroop-type tests often incorporate blue as a color; older adults may have difficulties distinguishing blue from green accurately due to changes in their vision, which can interfere with accurate results. Blue-green color confusion can be particularly pronounced in persons with dementia. Our test uses red, green and yellow colors and is briefer, suiting older adults in a wide range of clinical and research settings.

The COAST is a timed test and requires use of a stopwatch.

Copyright © 2010 by Nancy A. Pachana & Larry W. Thompson

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  • $50.00
    Includes details on reliability, validity, scoring, etc. and a review-only copy of the COAST. PDFs are not refundable.
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  • $11.00
    A $30 set up fee will be applied at checkout. Allows you to administer the COAST via a paper and pencil survey. The downloadable PDF file includes one copy of the COAST, scoring key, and permission to reproduce/administer the COAST for up to the quantity purchased. The PDF is non-refundable.
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Pachana, Nancy

Nancy Pachana, PhD, is a clinical neuropsychologist specializing in geropsychology. She is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and Director of Clinical Training Program at The University of Queensland (St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia).

Thompson, Larry W.

Larry W. Thompson, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus in the Division of Endocrinology, Gerontology & Metabolism at Stanford University School of Medicine. His research interests include psychosocial treatment for individuals with bipolar disorder and/or other serious mental illnesses; cognitive/behavioral therapy for late-life depression; and intervention research with culturally diverse individuals with depression.

Features of the COAST

Purpose: Use a Stroop-type test designed specifically for older adults.

Length: 50 cards

Average completion time: 15 minutes

Target population: Age 60 and over

Administration: For individual administration

Extra materials needed: Stopwatch

Comparison norms: Normative data for the COAST is provided for healthy older adults, as well as those with type-II diabetes (representing norms for older adults with a chronic medical condition), depressed outpatients, psychiatric inpatients and persons with dementia.

Uses of the COAST

  • Assessment of older adults with a question of dementia
  • Evaluating older adults with head injury or other medical, psychiatric or neurological conditions which may be interfering with cognitive functioning
  • Assessment of older individuals with depression
  • Research instrument to investigate executive functioning in older populations


The COAST allows computation of time to completion for the familiar three traditional Stroop-type tasks (Color Naming, Word Naming and Inference) with normative data for time to completion of each trial, in addition to self-corrected and total errors for each individual trial. Scoring is quick and easy.

Color Naming

Word Naming

Inference Trial

If you are unable to find the translation you need, you can request permission to make a translation.

Available with COAST License to Administer: 
These translations are available free of charge with your purchase of the license. Translations are provided in a separate pdf-format file. Select the language from the Translation drop-down list. Need multiple translations? Contact us.

  • Dutch--Belgium

Note: We cannot assure translation quality — many are made by individual researchers and we are not necessarily familiar with the particular language or dialect. Some of the translations are partial and typically do not have validation data. Basically, we offer whatever is available to facilitate your work.

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