

These instruments measure a variety of personality-related constructs. For example, the Personality Adjective Check List is a rating measure of Theodore Millon's eight basic personality patterns; the Group Embedded Figures Test explores areas such as analytical ability, social behavior, and problem solving style through a measure of field dependence-independence; the Social Skills Inventory evaluates verbal and non-verbal social competence and emotional intelligence.

Personality refers to individual differences in behavior patterns, cognition, and emotion. Personality is a popular subject of research, and numerous instruments are available to measure specific or more broad aspects of personality.

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Adjective Check List
Assesses personality traits with a full sphere of descriptive adjectives. The ACL provides a convenient, standardized method for recording and generating meaning for personal attributes of an individual. The ACL form can be used for self or observer ratings and Transform provides self or multi-rater assessment and reporting.
CPI 260® - California Psychological Inventory
The CPI 260® assessment enables organizations to effectively find and develop leaders and high-potential employees. Extracting in-depth personality insights, the assessment provides insight into how other people see a person and judge his or her leadership style.
California Q-Sort for Adults
Arrange one hundred personality statements for easily quantifiable personality research.
California Q-Sort for Children
Arrange one hundred personality statements for easily quantifiable personality research about children.
Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory
Measures attitudes toward self in multiple contexts. Findings demonstrate the relationship of academic achievement to personal satisfaction in adult and school life.
Group Embedded Figures Test: A measure of cognitive style
A classic measure of the cognitive styles of field dependence-independence.
Impact Message Inventory - Circumplex
Offers an innovative method of assessing interpersonal behavior by measuring the attitudes and feelings that the person being studied arouses in the respondent, such as dominance, hostility, submissiveness, and friendliness.
Personality Adjective Check List
The PACL is a 153-item self-report and rating measure of Theodore Millon's eight basic personality patterns for use with normal adults and counseling or psychotherapy clients.
Personality Disorder Adjective Check List
A brief screening measure for the assessment of personality disorders. It consists of 175 adjectives and adjectival phrases the client uses to describe their attributes.
Social Reticence Scale
A valuable measure for understanding shyness as a unique and separate dimension of personality.
Social Skills Inventory
A measure of verbal, non-verbal social competence and emotional intelligence.
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults™
The STAI Form Y is the definitive instrument for measuring anxiety in adults. It clearly differentiates between the temporary condition of “state anxiety” and the more general and long-standing quality of “trait anxiety”.
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children
The definitive instrument for measuring anxiety in children. The STAI-CH distinguishes between a general proneness to anxious behavior rooted in the personality and anxiety as a fleeting emotional state.
State-Trait Personality Inventory
A self-administered questionnaire designed to measure transitory and dispositional anger, anxiety, curiosity, and depression in adults.
Welsh Figure Preference Test
A non-verbal, visually oriented personality measure incorporating the well-known Barron-Welsh Art Scale. It consists of 400 black and white figures to which the subject responds "like" or "dislike."