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Welsh Figure Preference Test


Author: George S. Welsh

The Welsh Figure Preference Test (WFPT) is a non-verbal, visually oriented personality measure incorporating the well-known Barron-Welsh Art Scale. It consists of 400 black and white figures to which the subject responds "like" or "dislike." The test was originally designed to afford non-language stimulus material suitable for a wide range of subjects who could not be tested readily with conventional personality inventories and projective methods.

To purchase the Welsh Figure Preference Test, please contact Mind Garden.

Copyright © 1987 by Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.

Features of the WFPT

Purpose: Measure personality in a non-verbal, visually oriented assessment

Length: 400 figures

Average completion time: 15-20 minutes

Target population: Most ages

Administration: For individual administration

Uses of the WFPT

  • Personality research
  • Creativity research

The WFPT consists of 39 scales.

View all scales

More about Administration

The WFPT consists of 400 black and white figures arranged on a neutral grey background in a booklet of eight figures per page. The subject is asked to decide for each figure whether he likes or does not like the figure. This basic preference dichotomy, usually referred to as "L" and "DL," is recorded on a special answer sheet for scoring of the various scales that have been developed for this test. The figures themselves were not drawn to exemplify any particular aesthetic or perceptual principles but merely to generate a wide variety of stimulus items. The figures range from simple geometric forms to complex and diverse patterns and designs; they were drawn with many variations to include differences in line quality, shape, content, and other aspects of the figure.

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