University Residence Environment Scale


Authors: Rudolf H. Moos & Marvin S. Gerst

The University Residence Environment Scale (URES) focuses on student-student and student-staff relationships and the organizational structure of a living group. The URES has been used widely in student living groups and in program evaluation and counseling. The Scale can also be completed by observers and other nonresidents, such as parents and student visitors. It provides accurate information about student living groups and encourages staff to become involved in program planning and design.

As one of the Social Climate Scales, the URES assesses the social climate of university student living groups, such as residence halls, fraternities, sororities, & cooperative residence units. It measures: involvement, emotional support, independence, traditional social orientation, competition, academic achievement, intellectuality, order & organization, student influence and innovation.

Copyright © 1974 by Rudolf H. Moos

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Features of the URES

Purpose: Assess the social climate of university student living groups

Length: 100 items

Average completion time: 15-20 minutes

Target population: College students living in residence halls, fraternities, sororities, and other cooperative residence units

Administration: For individual or group administration

Norms in Manual: (a) Comparing of Single Sex residences and the Coed residences; (b) Comparing of students and staff norms

Uses of the URES

  • Program evaluation
  • Compare views of different groups of individuals (such as students, resident assistants, and housing administrators)



Emotional Support


Traditional Social Orientation


Academic Achievement


Order and Organization

Student Influence, Innovation

Sample Items - Real Form

The items are worded as if the respondent is currently in the university residence environment. True or False:

1. There is a feeling of unity and cohesion here.TrueFalse
2. People here are concerned with helping and supporting one another.TrueFalse
3. People here tend to check on whether their behavior is acceptable to others in the house.TrueFalse

If you are unable to find the translation you need, you can request permission to make a translation.

Available with URES License to Administer:
These translations are available free of charge with your purchase of the license. Translations are provided in a separate pdf-format file. Select the language from the Translation drop-down list. Need multiple translations? Contact us.

  • Dutch
  • Japanese

Note: We cannot assure translation quality — many are made by individual researchers and we are not necessarily familiar with the particular language or dialect. Some of the translations are partial and typically do not have validation data. Basically, we offer whatever is available to facilitate your work.

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