Older Persons Counseling Needs Survey


Author: Jane E. Myers

The Older Persons Counseling Needs Survey (OPCNS) was developed for use with persons aged sixty and above to assess both the needs of older persons and their desires for counseling. The OPCNS is especially useful in evaluating older persons while avoiding or transcending cultural stereotypes which are frequently applied to older adults. It can be used for both group screening and individual exploration.

The items for the OPCNS were derived from a review of the literature in gerontology, psychology, and counseling relative to the older population. Areas of concern in the lives of older people were identified according to four main categories: personal concerns, social or interpersonal concerns, activity concerns, and environmental concerns.

There are 56 statements: 28 items about needs and 28 items about wants and desires. The norms are for the population of older persons who are single or widowed, members of ethnic minority races, those who live in the homes of relatives or friends, those who live in adult congregate living facilities or foster homes for adults, those who have low levels of education, and those with low incomes.

Copyright © 1993 by Jane E. Myers

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  • $50.00
    Includes details on reliability, validity, scoring, etc. and a review-only copy of the OPCNS form. PDFs are not refundable.
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  • $2.75
    Minimum purchase of 50. Allows you to administer the OPCNS as an online survey via a non-Mind Garden survey system or as a paper and pencil survey. The downloadable PDF file includes one copy of the OPCNS, scoring key, and permission to administer the OPCNS up to the quantity purchased. The PDF is non-refundable.
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Features of the OPCNS

Purpose: Assess both the needs of older persons and their desires for counseling

Length: 56 items

Average completion time: 10-15 minutes

Target population: Ages 60 and older with at least a 5th grade reading level

Administration: For individual administration

Uses of the OPCNS

  • Identify needs for counseling among older individuals
  • Older adult counseling needs and desires research




Total Score

From the Manual

"The items for the OPCNS were derived from a review of the literature in gerontology, psychology, and counseling relative to the older population. Areas of concern in the lives of older people were identified according to four main categories: personal concerns, social or interpersonal concerns, activity concerns, and environmental concerns."

-- Jane E. Myers, Older Persons Counseling Needs Survey Manual

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